Whats trending? On social media usually pathetic sad things that are never talked about the next week. We get so consumed about whats BIG at the moment. Why? What's the big deal? Does a lot of that stuff even matter? People look up to celebrities as idols...for what, there good looks or money? Societies focus is on the wrong thing. There "glory" lasts but only a moment of this worlds life span, but God his word is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Ever bought a warranty? I've bought several thinking if it breaks the warranty will cover it. Well to my luck, every time in my case whatever happens to what I bought, I take it back and get told....ma'am read the fine print, it's not covered for this. I just quit wasting my money on them. lol God isn't like that. If you choose Him his word is good and true. There is no fine print saying if you have this part broken you cannot be fixed or saved. He is faithful forever! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!!!
1 Peter 1:24-25
For, "All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever." and this is the word that was preached to you.
This scripture shows us that people are like grass. We may be big and green one day, but it eventually withers and dies. God's word is forever! When we accept Jesus and live for him our bodies will wither and fade but our spirit will never die because of what Jesus did for us. God's word is everlasting...He is everlasting!!! Think...you can have a lot of money one day, the next not much at all or zero. One day you could have the number one song on i tunes... how long does that last? Not forever. You can be trending one day, one year, out the next. God is always there, he doesn't change. Our circumstances our always changing around us, but we can depend on and hold on to the fact that God will not!
Lets make Jesus trending in our lives and not only that but world wide!!
God your number one all the time, no matter if others see it or not! Unlike anything else you are always true to your word! Help us to realize everything in our lives is temporary except for your love! Let us not forget what you did for us so our spirit would not wither and die. Give us boldness to make your name trending everywhere we go!
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