Wednesday, July 29, 2015


One thing I'm really working on in my spiritual life is prayer. I enjoy studying the bible and reading books, but one thing I have lacked in is prayer. Daily prayer. I think prayer is so important in our walk with God. For some people praying out loud is difficult, but I first challenge you to focus on praying personally to Jesus daily. The more you pray, the more you will feel connected and comfortable. Once you pray out loud for the first time its done! You've done it, whether it was easy or not you made the step of faith and your Father is proud! From now on it isn't a burden, but a part of life. I am really working on setting aside time each day to pray one on one with God. He loves it when we talk to Him. Communication is so important in any relationship and it's no different when it comes to God. One thing that has helped me with prayer is having a topic to pray about and writing it down. I don't always pray like this, but usually once a day I try to sit down and write out a pray for a specific situation in my life or someone else's. This helps me focus because when I sit to pray sometimes my mind wonders and I don't feel like I am staying on task. Everyone has a different prayer style that works for them. I just share mine in case that helps you :) I'm starting to pray for bigger things, I don't to just want to pray for my personal life, I want to pray for others that I don't even know! Here are some prayer topics to help you start thinking outside our normal boxes of prayers.

1. Prayer for interpretation of scripture.
    When we pray for this we can invite the Holy Spirit to direct us as we read, that God will show us the scripture how he intended us to and reveal more to us every time we read it. God is so much more than we will ever grasp, that's no excuse to stop seeking Him, but don't limit Him to what you can learn about Him from reading a scripture once.

2. Prayer to love the people He's placed in our lives
    Sometimes it is hard to love the people around us, we have been hurt or wounded, or just don't like the attitude they may have. Jesus wants us to love above all else. Others should be able to see Jesus inside of us by the way we love. It is good to pray for His love to flow through us as we encounter the people Jesus has placed in our lives.

3. Prayer for us hear from Him and act accordingly
    I don't know about you but I want to hear from God, whether that be from my pastor, my bible, my husband, or a random stranger. Not only do I want to hear from Him, but I want to follow Him. We are not following Jesus if we are hearing truth and not applying it to our lives. We all may lack at times that is why we need to pray for a passion that when we hear the truth we act on it.

4. Prayer for fear to be replaced with the truth.
    When we get saved we need to renew our minds! Our minds are full of satan's lies and Him trying to deceive us. All of these lies place fear in our lives. In order to crush fear we need to soak in Jesus' love and truth.

5. Prayer to be a light
    Praying to be a light is awesome. We carry the power and presence of God everywhere we go! I want to ask God to help me shine so bright that I am continually pointing people to Him.

6. Prayer for whoever God has placed on our hearts that day.
    I love when I pray for others and can see God working in and through them! God is so good :)

These are just some ideas, as you read them the Lord may show you what he wants you to pray for.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 
Pray without ceasing

1 comment:

  1. Love this! It's time to post this one on Facebook for more exposure...this is truth and encouragement that I needed...others will appreciate too! Great job Kayla:) thank you for sharing!
